Wednesday, 18 June 2014

The 21-Step Guide on How to Avoid Marking

1. Write a blog post on how to avoid marking
2. Tell yourself that this is merely 'creative procrastination'
3. Do every Myers-Briggs Facebook quiz on your personality type (guess mine!)
4. Plan a documentary on cosmopolitanism in suburbia
5. Begin shooting said documentary
6. Read about cosmopolitanism
7. Read about urban diversity
8. Plan to write a prosaic book on the poetics of space
9. Realise it has already been written
10. Wonder why you didn't realise your dream of being a foreign correspondent
11. Picture yourself in war-torn region, holding a microphone
12. Justify the non-realisation of above dream by blaming the GFC
13. And digital media for shrinking old-fashioned journalism budgets
14. Until you feel like you sound like your student who wants to be a newsreader
15. And that you are probably too neurotic to be 'neutral' in a war zone
16. Although you wish you did more than just research and write and teach
17. This is not a career quiz, but you are a 'creative documentarian'
18. Who need not worry about the academic and the creative battling away
19. And rest assured can get back to the pile of marking
20. With the hope that clever words may be inching closer and closer
21. To the heart of the latest worthwhile matter.

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